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A Supportive Hug


We believe in the power of collaboration, networking, and evidence-based approaches to promote positive change. Please explore our curated list of trusted collaborators and valuable resources. These organizations, programs, and individuals are essential sources for advancing our mission.

We recommend conducting your own analysis before engaging with any source or vendor to ensure alignment with your values and goals.

BSMART Coaching
Melonya Johnson

BSMART Coaching works with small to mid-size companies and focuses on sustainable change.

BSMART is a frequent collaborator and Melonya is certified in the following:


  • Certified Prosci Change Management Practitioner

  • Qualified Administrator Intercultural Development Inventory

  • Certified Professional Coach

  • Certified Coach Social + Emotional Intelligence

  • Qualified DiSC Assessment Administrator

Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ)
Chelsea Dade

Chelsea Dade founded Communicate For Health Justice (CFHJ) in December 2018 to address factors like racial inequities, economic instability, stigma, lack of trust, and bias that impact healthcare.

CFHJ aims to help organizations communicate with health equity in mind and is powered by young leaders for health justice.

Check out our podcast with Chelsea

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OutCare Health

OutCare Health, a 501c3 nonprofit, is leading the charge for LGBTQ+ health equity worldwide, empowering millions of LGBTQ+ individuals with comprehensive resources, support, and education.


Our initiatives range from the OutList directory of affirming healthcare providers to mentorship, health equity training, community building, support groups, care navigation, consulting services, and more.


Our vision is to create a world where every LGBTQ+ person has access to quality healthcare and feels empowered to live their healthiest, most authentic life.

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